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Make a Difference 2019

The business community in Ireland can and is helping to end homelessness

Image credits: Fran Veale

John-Mark McCafferty

Threshold Chief Executive

Homelessness in Ireland is a national crisis. It’s starting to feel almost unsolvable. And, sadly, it is set to continue for the foreseeable future with over 10,000 people now homeless in Ireland.

That’s 10,000 people robbed of the very foundation of their entire lives – their family home. And there are so many more on the brink of homelessness because of the Housing Crisis. Ireland’s housing crisis is now unequivocally the worst in living memory with a dire shortage of housing and the cost of renting at an all-time high.

But the business community can play a key role in stemming the rising tide of homelessness by supporting a charity like Threshold. I can guarantee that your business will be making a real and lasting difference. A partnership will give your employees the power to deliver one of the most impactful – and measurable – blows to the epidemic of homelessness in Ireland.

And that’s simply by keeping people in their homes. That’s because losing your private rented home now the leading cause of homelessness in Ireland.  Because it’s not just the human cost of homelessness – it’s the financial.  Did you know that, for every family who enters emergency homeless accommodation, this will be their home for the next 10 months? And this will cost the state a staggering €31,000.

Benefits for your business and the community

Partnering with a charity like Threshold can create a long-lasting and wide impact. And will also have proven and knock-on benefits for your business.

Customers are paying more and more attention to the environmental and social credentials of your brand, especially in what is now an incredibly and increasingly competitive market. And that’s why making a recognised difference will have a big impact on setting your business apart in the eyes of your customers, investors and staff.

The environmental and social credentials of your brand are also a huge factor in today’s ‘War on Talent’. New research on employee retention and attracting new talent is now suggesting there is an undeniable link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and employee turnover.

Supporting the fight against homelessness will enable your business to build this link. It will improve employee retention. And attract new talent. What’s more, it will motivate your staff, increase productivity and create a space for real innovation; innovation that will enable your business to be the leader in responding to new and emerging trends.

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