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Sustainability is a win-win for companies and the community

Sustainability is a win-win for companies and the community
Sustainability is a win-win for companies and the community

These days, businesses can’t afford to feign sincerity about sustainability issues says SSE Ireland. They have to get serious and prove what they are doing to act in an ethical, responsible and balanced way.

When it comes to sustainable business practices and corporate social responsibility (CSR), Ireland is changing. It’s no longer enough for companies to simply ‘abide by the rules’ or engage in isolated acts of philanthropy. This is all according to Marian Troy, Head of Corporate Affairs at energy company, SSE Ireland. Troy says that approach to corporate sustainability might have impressed customers and communities in the past. But now they are — rightly — demanding more.

Isolated acts of philanthropy aren’t enough

These days, organisations have to continually demonstrate what they are doing to be ethical, responsible and balanced. What’s more, any company that views sustainability as a box-ticking exercise is bound to fail. This ia all because the real-life stakes are just too high.

Troy continues “We must do everything to help achieve economic, social and environmental wellbeing for current and future generations”.

Employee-led programmes motivate staff

It’s clear that many companies are taking the commitment to operating sustainability seriously. However, as lovingly crafted as a sustainability strategy might be, it’s no good if your organisation’s staff isn’t behind it.

Employee-led programmes are important in this regard because they get staff motivated. These programmes can be beneficial in many different ways, notes Mia McCarthy, Head of Sustainability at SSE Ireland. SSE allows its team members to take at least one day a year away from their job. This is to volunteer for a charity or community group of their choice. It’s an idea that’s been a big success, with up to 85% of employees taking part in a given year.

“As well as being a fantastic opportunity to make a positive difference for our communities, they give people a chance to network and strengthen relationships with colleagues from other parts of the company,” she says. It’s a win-win, in other words.

Meeting environmental sustainability challenges

Then, of course, the public wants to understand how companies are responding to today’s environmental challenges.

Renewable energy is key to tackling climate change and transitioning Ireland to a low-carbon economy, and Stephen Wheeler, SSE Ireland Managing Director, believes offshore wind energy presents oceans of opportunity for the country. “In addition to making the single biggest impact to Ireland’s climate action and renewable energy targets, the development of offshore wind projects can reinvigorate coastal communities and create sustainable local jobs,” he explains.

However, the time for talking is over. Businesses have to step up to this and also prove they are serious about sustainability.

Sources: Marian Troy, Head of Corporate Affairs | Mia McCarthy, Head of Sustainability | Stephen Wheeler, SSE Ireland Managing Director

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